Learn From Other Women in the Automotive Technology Space

Mentorship Program

The Harvard Business Review describes mentoring as “one of the highest returns on investment, as it enables one to use what has been learned and essentially ‘pay it forward,’ shaping the next generation of leaders.”

We're thrilled to announce that Women in Automotive Technology has launched a mentorship program to help women learn from women (and supportive men). We want to empower those with more experience to share their knowledge, skills, and journey. And we want rising women to learn from those who’ve walked before them to grow their careers and network. 

The first step is signing up. As a mentor, do you have experience others can learn from? Are there mistakes you want others to avoid? Great choices you think others could benefit from? Are there certain career steps you might encourage for someone who’d like to get to where you are? Would you like to help shepherd another woman's career? As a mentee, do you want to move up in your career? Are you looking for new challenges? Stuck? Want to transition into a new role? 

We’d like to match you up! ​Take part in the program by clicking on one of the buttons below and filling out a short questionnaire. (We’d also like to gauge your interest in peer-to-peer mentoring, so you’ll find a question there related to small group networking/mentoring as well). We’ll match you with someone we feel best fits with your goals and experience, and provide guidelines and best practices. The expectation is that the mentorship will last nine months, with you and your counterpart meeting every other week to connect, set goals, and check in on progress. However, this is your program, and the details are up to you. 

Application period starting Summer 2024